Tag Archives: graffiti

Weekly Photo Challenge (Culture)

My thoughts are well and truly provoked with the challenge this week. I’m from the Antipodes, live in London and travel as much as I am able. My options are  various.

One image I’m drawn to and always photograph wherever I am is graffiti or urban art as it’s now called, rightly in many cases I think.

Similar/different across cultural boundaries? You be the judge.

Wellington, the city dubbed ‘wild at heart’.

Meanwhile 11,000 miles away in Zurich.

London town, in and around Spitalfields and Brick Lane.

And I’m going to leave the last word to Christchurch as she tries to heal her wounds after the earthquakes.


Same or different, the urban art culture is flourishing. What will be there next time I pass by?

Travel Theme (Walls)

An eclectic collage of walls to fit Ailsa’s Where’s my backpack? travel theme of the week. My problem is not how to find suitable photographs but when to stop.

wall menu (mrscarmichael)
wall menu (mrscarmichael)

Fish and chips are compulsory fare in Broadstairs, Kent.

3D graffiti (mrscarmichael)
3D graffiti (mrscarmichael)

in Zurich.

a masterclass in travertine (mrscarmichael)
a masterclass in travertine (mrscarmichael)

Mies van der Rohe Pavilion, Barcelona.


a wall of coloured glass (mrscarmichael)
a wall of coloured glass (mrscarmichael)

again in Barcelona.

‘Somebody stop me.’