Travel Theme (Brown)

How to compete with Ailsa’s stunner? Viewing here at Where’s my backpack? And what an likely colour to come up with a winner from my recent tri-town travels when the skies were so blue and the lay of the land so vibrant.

I’ve found masses and am having to contain myself. “Woh, Mrs Carmichael, control yourself, Girl.”

A quick, but vigorous, self shake and for your delectation browns from in and around Palm Springs’ Art Museum ( which the husband and myself were clever enough to gain entry to on free Thursday evenings!

Designed by E. Stewart Williams, the museum blends into the San Jacinto Mountains that rise 8000 odd feet directly behind it. Inside is a riot of colour but, on checking, lots of earthy browns as well.

For today then, I give you only los marrones:

38 thoughts on “Travel Theme (Brown)

      1. I took a bright red one and cropped it but I have never had the occasion to use it yet 🙂 I love signs.

    1. yes they do every Thursday evening and last (or first) Sunday of the month. It saved us $25.00. That’s a couple of mojitos!
      It makes one feel so clever scoring the freeness doesn’t it?

now it's your turn