Travel Theme (Hidden)

On this our third holiday in Pollenca, NE Mallorca, Mr Carmichael and I decided to revisit some old haunts. A number of these will be detailed in up-coming posts but a sneak peek at the first villa we rented mumble, mumble years ago with our brood gets a mention here because I was forced to photograph our residence through a rusted iron gate.

Hidden behind was the Mallorcan farmhouse and orchard that we remembered so well.

Of course when I say we I mean Mr C and me. The girls remember the dead rooster in the swimming pool. Ah well.

mallorcan memories (mrscarmichael
mallorcan memories (mrscarmichael)

Further hidden finds here: Where’s my backpack?

27 thoughts on “Travel Theme (Hidden)

  1. I love this picture, especially the blurriness of the rusted gate and the beautiful scene within. This would also work for the unusual point of view Weekly Photo Challenge. You could have killed two birds with one stone! But what I love most of all is the image I have in my mind of you sneaking up to take this photo through the gate surreptitiously! 🙂

  2. Idyllic – I want to live there! And I agree with EVERYTHING Cathy has said, particularly the image of you sneaking up to the hole in the gate to take this picture [snarfle, snarfle]
    Jude 🙂

      1. Only ’till then? I catch myself so often saying, “I would have really liked….” or “I thought about…..” or “If I’d gone there rather than there I’d now be …….Queen!”

now it's your turn